Flash Design Tools

from  FlashTech

It has always been a problem putting across technical ideas in a clear way that those unfamiliar with the ideas can understand.

To overcome this we use Macromedia Flash routines.  

These enable an engineer to present an idea in a colourful, animated, simple visual format, that also allows user interaction.  They can be used in web pages, or as stand alone programs that will run on a PC or a Mac without installation, and are used the world over.

There are many web design companies providing Flash services.  Where FlashTech differs, is that we are engineers at heart - not web designers.  As such we take a very practical approach, keeping our routines functional and user friendly.  It also allows us to understand and present complex engineering calculations which may otherwise be beyond the skills of a most web-designers.

For example, take the DPS CylinderSizes routine shown below.  It had always proved a problem for DPS to present the complete range of sizes of hot water cylinder in their range.  The CylinderSizes routine allows customers to very quickly see all the options open to them. 

CylinderSizes  is a relatively simple routine, taking about one week from initial concept to final delivery.  Such a routine is surprisingly cheap, costing around £250. 

At all stages of design we keep in touch with customers, ensuring that the routines are progressing as desired, and all functions work as intended. Routines can be updated easily, with minor changes often provided free of charge. 

Let FlashTech present your ideas to the world.


Richard Hanson-Graville
MA.Mech.Eng FIOP

07970 201127
0208 7703617 (evenings)
